Monday, November 7, 2011

Positive reinforcement instead of fine

The proposed pilot scheme on stray cats feeding requires stray feeders to register with Cat Welfare Society (CWS)and feeders will be fined if they do not clear up within 2 hours. We should use positive motivation instead of negative enforcement to get feeders to support the scheme.

These feeders are compassionate folks. With education and motivation they would make the effort to clean up after feeding. Fine will not work as they would quietly feed and make a quick 'exit' like what they are likely doing currently. Why should they opt to register with Cat Welfare Society which imposed membership fee and then be fined when they failed to clean up?

Some suggestions on positive reinforcement :

1)Pet shops owners be roped in to give a discount on purchase of cat food for registered stray feeders.

2)Get sponsorship from vet clinics to lower medical cost for stray feeders when they bring in both strays and their own pets for consultation.

3)Cat Welfare Society to waiver the membership fee for the 1st year for stray feeders registration.

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